
How to drain the Power Steering Fluid

Before you do this job, go to the auto parts store and the hardware store because you'll need some things.  Get :
1 foot of 3/8" ID power steering hose ($2)
5 feet of 5/16" ID, 7/16" OD Vinyl Tubing ($1.50)
1qty, #4 Hose clamp (worm clamp) ($2 for 2-pack)
1qty, 3/8-24x1" hex cap screw ($4 for 2-pack)
2qty, gatorade, any flavor (20 oz or up)

How to do it:
(1) drink one gatorade and rinse the bottle out.  Drill two holes (one 3/8" hole, one smaller, any size).  The 3/8" hole is for a hose, the other is a breather.

(2) Construct this glorified plug using the above parts and your brain.

Here's a pic of your PS reservoir for reference.  The hose on the right is the RETURN from the rack.  The hose off to the left (clips into the reservoir) is the FEED side into the pump.  You may have just learned something.

(3) Create this super setup.  Slip the plug onto the Return nipple (what would you call it?) and simultaneously slip the clear tubing INTO the return hose.  Shove it right in there, it will fit.  Put the hose clamp back on there to prevent the tubing from slipping out.  It's also a great idea to (a) put a shop towel down there to keep PS fluid off your car body, and (b) take the red cap off the reservoir at this point to open up the system.

(4) Shove the other end of the clear plastic tubing into the hole in your gatorade bottle.

(5) Turn the wheel side-to-side to pump the fluid out.  You will have to turn the wheel many times.  Your friends will walk into the garage and wonder what's wrong with you, but keep pumping the fluid out.  When you're done, you'll have about this much PS fluid.  It won't be ALL the fluid in the system (the rest will drain onto your face as you remove the rack), but it will at least be most of the fluid.

(6) Drink the other gatorade.

Now it's time to call it a day because that was such a difficult job.


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