
First Post - Welcome

Welcome to my web log.  Let me start out with a little about my car.  I had been looking for a hatchback 96-00 Civic for awhile towards the beginning of 2009, and craigslist wasn't cutting it as far as good looking cars were concerned.  Well I drove by the credit union by work one thursday afternoon and saw a black hatch with a for-sale sign on it.  Sixteen hours later it was mine, and I was totally pumped.  It had less than 100k on the odometer, and I figured that I'd do an oil change, maybe change the timing belt, and it'd be good to go for ever and ever.

This was not really the case.  Over the last year and a half, I drove it a bit, had to change the muffler (rust hole), the exhaust manifold (cracked), adjust the valves, much of the ignition system, and put some new tires on it (it had Douglas brand, ie Walmart, that were starting to bubble, so I had to trash them for some Michelins).

I've been dreaming of a K-swap for awhile, and now that I have the money [mostly] saved up, it's go time.

Stay tuned as I go through the suspension, brakes, and engine room and make it sweet.

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